Surya Smithsonian SMI-2112 Rug

Was $241.00 - $3,212.00
Now $50.00 - $1,927.20
Save up to $1,284.80
Surya has collaborated with the world's largest and most prestigious museum to develop its Smithsonian collection. The exclusive compilation is comprised of hand-tufted rugs made in India of 100% New Zealand wool. Each piece within this first-class collection was inspired by artifacts found within the Smithsonian's vast archives. [show more]
Usually ships within 48-72 Hours
  • 1'6"
    Square Sample
  • 2'0" x 3'0"
  • 3'3" x 5'3"
  • 5'0" x 8'0"
  • 8'0" x 11'0"
  • 2'6" x 8'0"
- +

Surya has collaborated with the world's largest and most prestigious museum to develop its Smithsonian collection. The exclusive compilation is comprised of hand-tufted rugs made in India of 100% New Zealand wool. Each piece within this first-class collection was inspired by artifacts found within the Smithsonian's vast archives.

100% New Zealand Wool
Medium (about 1/2 inch)

With over 25 years of commitment to excellence in quality and design, Surya continues to create a lasting impression in today's marketplace. With our innovative designs, rich textures and relentless attention to detail, Surya exceeds the highest standards of quality, color, design, and construction.

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