Dynamic Rugs Yazd 2803 Rug

$0.00 - $589.00
Yazd is a new collection of rugs in beautiful patterns and colorations. Included are traditional, semi-classic designs with primary colors of sage, champagne, taupe, navy, red, cream, black, and ivory, complimented with shades of brown and light blue. Dense weaving enhances pattern definition and design clarity. [show more]
Usually ships within 48-72 Hours
  • 2'2" x 0'0"
    Roll Runner
  • 0'0"
    Roll Runner
  • 2'0" x 7'7"
  • 2'0" x 3'6"
  • 3'3" x 5'3"
  • 5'3" x 7'7"
  • 7'10" x 10'10"
  • 5'3"
- +

Yazd is a new collection of rugs in beautiful patterns and colorations. Included are traditional, semi-classic designs with primary colors of sage, champagne, taupe, navy, red, cream, black, and ivory, complimented with shades of brown and light blue. Dense weaving enhances pattern definition and design clarity.

Dynamic Rugs
100% Polypropylene
Medium (about 1/2 inch)

DYNAMIC RUGS was started in 1994 as a broker business in containers. In 1997 it was decided to turn this partnership into a full service rug importing company, built to service the independent home furnishings retailers in the United States. Since then the scope of the company has changed with our warehouse now supplying rugs from India, China, Turkey in addition to Romania and Belgium to dealers in USA, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America. They also now provide customized products and programs to service the larger retail chains in North America. Still, the main focus of the company remains the same, and is based on the three principals of service, value, and fashion to their customers.

Customer Reviews (Write your own review)

Average Rating: 5.0 out of 5

Beautiful Rug

By Greg from Tampa Bay, FL on Friday, December 25, 2015

I needed a large rug to replace two 5x7 rugs that I never liked and always had problems with. They would move several inches per day, one of them had two burn spots from the fireplace, and the other one was sent to me folded in 3rds. One of the folds never flattened out. This one rug (just under 8x11) solved all of those problems. It fills my entire entertainment area (from the couch to the TV stand), is a better match for my decor, is a tighter weave, smoother, and overall more attractive. I wish I had somewhere to place the round one, because I really like it. Buy this rug. You can't go wrong, and you get a free pad since it's over $250. My only complaint is that it was rolled up top side showing, which means that it is curling up. I have applied weights to the corners and width of the end that was inside the roll. Hopefully, it will be laying flat in a few days.

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