Surya Clifton CLF-1013 Rug

Was $163.00 - $2,938.00
Now $97.80 - $1,762.80
Save up to $1,175.20
The Clifton Collection presents traditional styles with a more transitional look and feel. The patterns have the intricacies of traditional rugs but larger in scale. The updated color palette refreshes the look with color combinations including oranges, blues and grays. This collection can bring together an eclectic room, transitioning the old with the new. [show more]
Usually ships within 48-72 Hours
  • 2'0" x 3'0"
  • 3'3" x 5'3"
  • 5'0" x 8'0"
  • 8'0" x 11'0"
  • 9'0" x 13'0"
  • 8'0"
  • 2'6" x 8'0"
- +

The Clifton Collection presents traditional styles with a more transitional look and feel. The patterns have the intricacies of traditional rugs but larger in scale. The updated color palette refreshes the look with color combinations including oranges, blues and grays. This collection can bring together an eclectic room, transitioning the old with the new.

100% Wool
Medium (about 1/2 inch)

With over 25 years of commitment to excellence in quality and design, Surya continues to create a lasting impression in today's marketplace. With our innovative designs, rich textures and relentless attention to detail, Surya exceeds the highest standards of quality, color, design, and construction.

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