Trans Ocean Visions V Arch Tile Rug

The highly detailed painterly effect is achieved by Liora Manne's patented Lamontage process which combines hand crafted art with cutting edge technology. These rugs are Hand Made of 100% Polyester fibers that are intricately blended together using Liora Manne's patented Lamontage process. They are then finished using modern needle punching and latexing processes that create a work of art that is practical. The flat simple nature of these Lamontage rugs is an ideal base with which to create a rug that is at the same time a work of art. Perfect for any Indoor or Outdoor space, they are antimicrobial, UV stabilized, and easy care.
Trans OceanVisions V
Arch Tile
100% Polyester

Trans-Ocean imports a full line of area rugs from Europe and Asia. Each rug is designed and colored by Trans Ocean to correlate with the most popular trends in home fashion and design.
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